Es Dificil Salir Adelante

Latina Immigrant14Es dificil salir adelante en este pais pero creo que no hay imposibles. El miedo más grande que he tenido es no poder comunicarme – pero gracias a mis esfuerzos dia a dia he tratado de superar ese miedo no solo por mí sino por mis hijos. Porque soy latina creo que puedo dar más de mí con esfuerzo y dedicación. Por mi familia. Se puede romper “BARRERAS”
It is difficult to move ahead in this country but I believe there are no impossibles. The biggest fear I’ve had is not to be able to communicate—but thanks to my efforts day after day I have tried to overcome that fear, not only for me, but for my children. Because I am Latina I think I can give more of myself with effort and dedication for my family. It is possible to break ‘BARRIERS’

Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, 30. I emigrated from México when I was 22. I love to learn from my children and to grow each day. My biggest dream is to give the best to my children. I emigrated to move ahead, finish my GED and build a better future for my children. I am proud of them because so far I have been able to lead them through a good path and to give them the best education.

What is hardest about being an immigrant mother is to have to work hard while also taking care of them which is not easy, to try to be there for them at every moment and at the happiest moments of their lives. What I like the most about living in this country is that I can give them everything that in my country is oftentimes very impossible.

