Mary Mujica
Como muchas mujeres, Latinas o no, mi vida es un camino. Con cada paso que doy intento crecer como ser humano. Como muchas immigrantes latinas he tenido que enfrentar algunos retos y algunos demonios. Uno de ellos, quizas el mas dfíicil de todos para mi, es la depresión

Like many women, Latinas or not, my life is a path. With each step I take I attempt to grow as a human being. Like many Latina immigrants I have had to facing some challenges and a few demons. One of these, the hardest for me, has been overcoming depression

Xxxx Xxxxxx, 55. I emigrated from Peru when I was 25.

I love taking pictures and finding beauty in everything. My dream is to have a retreat center and contribute to social and individual health through creativity and mindfulness. I left Peru newly married for one year. The economic crisis delayed our return and here we are 31 years later.

The worse part of being an immigrant is to raise children without the family you grew up with. It is sad not to be able to share everyday life and special occasions with family, but we have learned to compensate and everywhere we go we build a “family”. What I like the most about living in this country is that in being an immigrant I had to humbly accept that my children understood some aspects of the culture in which we lived, more than I even could. This has been an equalizer, has contributed to a more egalitarian and close relationship, and has allowed me to learn much from them.

