Alexandra Nieto, 29. I emigrated from Guayaquil, Ecuador when I was 26.
I love to have fun among friends and family, to do sports and to share my knowledge. My biggest dream is to have my family all together. In terms of work I would like to have my own swimming academy.

My family, my father and mother are the best example I can have to move forward. They are my heroes, my reason to keep going and struggling in this country. As a Latina, I think there are many obstacles. I like to speak in positive terms so I do not use the word difficult. What I like to talk about is effort, perseverance and determination because these can win over many barriers and can make many dreams true.

I’d say that as immigrant women we are faced with many challenges and that we are capable of adjusting to the new situation and circumstances we have to face in this country. What I like the most about living in this country is the sense of safety although I see violence in various ways. I also like how organized the system is.


